Fibromyalgia Research UK
Making sure no one has to manage Fibromyalgia alone

Why Donate to Fibromyalgia Research UK
I think the main reason to donate to us, is because there is just not enough information on Fibromyalgia currently out there. I was diagnosed a couple of years ago, I had never even heard of Fibromyalgia, yet there sat a Doctor telling me that was my diagnosis, the next thing I know I was handed medication and a leaflet. I came home feeling happy that at least I finally had a diagnosis for all the pain, fatigue and other symptoms I had been feeling. I told some of my Family members only for one of them to say ‘oh that’s just that fake disease that Doctors use when they don’t have a clue what’s really wrong with you’, I immediately felt deflated and back to square one.
I soon realised that was a common misconception that people believed and soon stopped telling people that was my condition. I should never have felt like that and I never want others to feel like that either, we need to raise awareness for exactly how serious this condition is. More information should be made available to all stages of Fibromyalgia sufferers.
The idea that some people have about Fibromyalgia could it be generated from misdiagnosis from Doctors? Could it be because there is currently no definitive test to confirm the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia?
It’s time for a change, my vision is to investigate and fund evolutionary clinical trials to enable sufferers to be tested and have a confirmed diagnosis, research why so many serious conditions are related to Fibromyalgia, research preventative medicines and possibly reduce the amount of confirmed Fibromyalgia sufferers. Produce medication that treat most of the symptoms in one pill.
This charity can do so much but it can do so little without support or donations from people like you.
What your donations have helped us achieve so far

We helped Jenny with a new pan set that is light and easier for her to cook in her own kitchen.
Message from Jenny ‘Thank you so much for my new pans, life has been hard for me since my Husband left me, I have not been able to work for about a year due to my Fibromyalgia and money for me is none existent, I really appreciate your help and I hope one day I can repay you, keep up the good work'.

Joan asked for our help as she was unable to get in and out of her bath, we bought and fitted a new handle to help her. Joan has sadly since passed away but her Daughter Jessica sent us this:
‘My Mother suffered for a long time with Fibromyalgia, she was always so riddled with pain. Fibromyalgia Research answered my Mother when she needed help the most. Thank you for helping her. The volunteers are lovely and amazing people and my Mother loved the time they spent at her home fitting her disability bar’ for her bath. Thank you All'.

Fibromyalgia Research UK helped the Sipos Family go on their first family holiday, This picture was sent to us from Rista Sipos showing her boys having fun rafting, something her boys have always wanted to do.
Fibromyalgia Research UK cannot help anyone without your donations, so please donate now.
If you need help or assistance please contact us on the information at the bottom of this page. Were here to help and make life easier, we have helped Chippenham create a new Facebook support group and arranged support meetings in the area. Treena upon said "it's great to know there is someone local who understands what you are going through".