Fibromyalgia Research UK
Making sure no one has to manage Fibromyalgia alone

We've consulted with our medical advisors and the NHS to find out as much helpful information as we can. We're keeping these pages continuously updated.
People with Fibromyalgia advised to practice social distancing
The latest UK government advice is for everyone to practice social distancing to reduce risk.
Please follow this advice-
Avoid contact with anyone who displays symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). Symptoms include high temperature and/or new and continuous cough
Try not to use public transport unless you really have to and, if you can, always avoid rush hour
Work from home where possible. Your employer should support you to do this.
Avoid large gatherings, and gatherings in smaller public spaces like pubs, cinemas, restaurants, theatres, bars, clubs
Avoid gatherings with friends and family.
Keep in touch using remote technology like phone, internet, and social media.
Use telephone or online services to contact your GP or other essential services
Keep washing your hands
In line with general public health advice, if you have Fibromyalgia you should make sure you wash your hands frequently.
Where possible, avoid being within two metres of people who are coughing and sneezing.